September 2009
12th Sept
Just James and I today. James carried on with the compressor breaking concrete and I pegged the Alignment all the way down to the drive. We gave up about 4 having got the pegging done, checked the levels and broken 80% of the concrete. A good day’s work.
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20th Sept
A small family crew again today just James, Lynda and I. James carried on breaking out, Nearly all done. I geot the level pegs in to about half way down. I also got the first 5-8ft of hardcore in. Lynda made a start on sleeper painting and got 3 lenghts and one point done
26th Sept
Just two again this weekend. Lynda carried on painting and I got the second of the points re-timbered. James was working on changing the clutch on his mums car. It’s slow progress at the moment but now with 8 lengths (80ft) ready for laying it should begind to move on. I am going to stager the rail joints. It means we loose the Clickty clack from the joints but the curves are smooth and not looking like a threpeny bit