Route Description

The route

On leaving the station in an anti clockwise direction was assisted by a falling gradient of 1:120 on a gentle 60ft radius. Once over the station exit points and onto a level crossing alongside the garage, a steep up gradient of 1:60 was encountered, this was made worse by a tight (25ft) left hand curve. This ran for about 40-50 ft and out onto the lifting section over the path to the surgery. Once over this path the engine would get a breather for a straight and level section ran to the curve and 1/60 climb to the lifting sections of the front path. This being the heighest point. A gentle 1:120 down grade and wide curve ran from here through the station area.  The station area cosisted of a running line and a loop. The loop origionaly had an inspection pit. Later after a nasty incident ( near miss involving someone lying across the running line) a couple of sidings were built and the pit moved well away from the running line.